Le notaire, acteur primordial de la sécurisation foncière - 4ème Conférence « Titrement », Niamey (Niger) 4 décembre 2017
La 4ème Conférence internationale portant sur les questions foncières s’est tenue le 4 décembre 2017 à Niamey, en marge du Congrès des Notaires d’Afrique, sur l’invitation de la Chambre des Notaires du Niger. Sur le thème de « La sécurité foncière au service de l'accès au logement durable dans les v...
Opening of the registration for the 7th World Notariat University "Jean-Paul DECORPS", Rome, 2018
Applications for the annual edition of the World Notariat University "Jean-Paul Decorps" can now be sent to the National Chambers of UINL Notariats members. This academic training offered by the UINL in English, French and Spanish is intended to encourage the exchange of good notarial practices, thu...
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing - Approval of the work projects by the General Meeting of Member Notariats (Cancun, Mexico - No...
On November 10 and 11, 2017, was held the first session of the Assembly of Notariats Members of the 2017-2019 legislature in Cancun (Mexico). This meeting of the Presidents of the UINL Member Notariats was an opportunity to deal with the theme of "THE USE OF PROFESSIONALS BY TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED ...
Death of honorary President Mr Gilles Demers
The UINL honorary President Mr Gilles DEMERS from Quebec, Canada, died on 1st October 2017. The members of the International Union of Notaries pay tribute to him highlighting his successful professional career in particular within the UINL. During his mandate (1990-1992) he carried out new policies ...
Encuentro del S.M. El Rey Don Felipe VI con los presidentes del notariado mundial, europeo y español
El 2 de noviembre de 2017, Su Majestad El Rey Don Felipe VI ha recibido y conversado en el Palacio de la Zarzuela con José Marqueño de Llano, presidente de la Unión Internacional del Notariado; José Manuel García Collantes, presidente del Consejo de Notariados de la Unión Europea, y José Ángel Martí...