
#Déjudiciarisation #Foncier #Numérique : les recommandations du 31ème Congrès des Notaires d’Afrique

07 October 2019

Le 31ème Congrès des Notaires d’Afrique a réuni des représentant des 19 Notariats Membres africains de l’UINL, du 1er au 4 octobre 2019 à Dakar (Sénégal), pour aborder les thèmes de la déjudiciarisation, du foncier et, enfin, du numérique. « La modernité colore de sa touche indélébile absolument to...

The International Congress of Notaries will be held for the first time in Asia!

04 October 2019

For its 29th edition, the International Congress of Notaries will be held for the first time in Asia. The UINL invites all notaries worldwide to join this important meeting of the International Notariat in Jakarta (Indonesia) from 27 to 30 November 2019. The UINL International Congress, which is hel...

October 2 - International Day of Notaries

02 October 2019

The International Union of Notaries (UINL) invites all notaries of the world to celebrate the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NOTARIES, established to celebrate the First UINL International Congress anniversary held on October 2, 1948 in Buenos Aires (Argentina).

CNUE - The German and Spanish notariats are ready for the creation of companies online

01 October 2019

In the context of the transposition of European Union Directive 2019/1151 into national law, the German and Spanish notariats announced at a joint press conference that they were now ready for the creation of companies online. Directive 2019/1151 on the use of digital tools and processes in Company ...

5o encuentro de las Comisiones de Asuntos Americanos y Africanos, en defensa de la seguridad jurídica preventiva

15 September 2019

Del 9 al 12 de septiembre, Tinerfeña de Guía de Isora (Islas Canarias) fue sede de la sesión plenaria de la Comisión de Asuntos Americanos y del 5º encuentro de las Comisiones de Asuntos Americanos y Africanos de la Unión Internacional del Notariado (UINL). Este encuentro reunió a los notariados de ...


Press releases

Apply for the 3rd UINL Prize for Legal Research!

14 Feb 2024


27 Feb 2023

Dr. Peter Stelmaszczyk is the new President of the...

24 Jan 2023