Vuelta al mundo de la prensa notarial (por la Oficina Notarial Permanente de Intercambio Internacional - ONPI)
La Oficina Notarial Permanente de Intercambio Internacional tiene como objetivo servir como centro de recogida y difusión de los trabajos de la UINL y de todos los documentos científicos relacionados con el Notariado. Publica y difunde la Revista Internacional del Notariado (RIN) ; también comparte...
World Notariat University goes online in 2020!
Following the Covid-19 global health crisis, the 2020 edition of the World Notariat University will be virtual and the deadline to apply has been reopened until 10 June 2020. This academic training offered by the UINL in Spanish, French and English is intended to enable the understanding and applic...
New technologies shall be tools helping notaries in the exercise of their public function – conclusions of the first International Webinar endorsed by...
The Indonesian Notary Association (Ikatan Notaris Indonesia, INI), with the support of the International Union of Notaries (UINL) organized on May 15 an international webinar on the essential public function of notary during and post-pandemic covid-19. “Many lessons can be drawn from the COVID-19 p...
The essential public function of notary during and post-pandemic - Indonesian notaries international webinar with the support of UINL
In light of the pandemic situation, UINL Member Notariat IKATAN NOTARIS INDONESIA (INI) will hold a discussion through a webinar session on May 15, on the strategic services of notaries during and post-COVID19: Why should notarial public services be considered essential and strategic? How should no...
CNUE - Press release on Covid-19 crisis
COVID-19 Crisis Notaries of Europe Alongside Citizens and Businesses Brussels, 4 May 2020 During this health and economic emergency, Europe’s 45,000 notaries are personally and collectively committed to playing their full role in the community effort to overcome the pandemic and to mitigate as far a...