
"Family farmers need secure land rights and access to land, forests, waters, and pasturelands." ILC ASIA Joint Statement

14 October 2020

UINL participated in the 2020 Asia Land Forum and Regional Assembly organised virtually by the International Land Coalition Asia (ILC Asia) from October 6 to October 9, 2020. ILC ASIA - Press release The 2020 Asia Land Forum, organised virtually by the International Land Coalition Asia (ILC Asia) ...

CNUE - Webinar : Anti-money laundering law and notarial compliance

13 October 2020

- CNUE information - CNUE organizes for 2018-2020 a training programme called “Europe for Notaries - Notaries for Europe” with the support of the European Union. It involves the organisation, in partnership with the national notarial authorities, of 21 seminars in 14 Member States. Twelve of the t...

UN-Habitat World Homelessness Day 2020

12 October 2020

In the context of its cooperation with UN-Habitat, UINL is pleased to share the following information with its readers : - UN DESA communication - Homelessness is one of the most evident illustration of poverty and social exclusion occurring in all countries and cities, threatening the health and ...

Le Congrès des Notaires de France « PROTEGER » est accessible en ligne !

05 October 2020

- Communiqué des Notaires de France - Cette année, le 116ème Congrès des Notaires de France est accessible en ligne et tous les notaires de France et de l’étranger peuvent s’inscrire en tant que e-congressiste. 6 plénières, 51 masterclasses... Les travaux du Congrès peuvent être suivis depuis n’imp...

October 2nd, 2020. World Day of Notaries

02 October 2020

Today, we commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the first International Congress of Notaries, held in Buenos Aires in 1948. This opportunity allows us to recall what happened during this year. Rome, Luxemburg, Buenos Aires and Mexico were the first and only destinations for face-to-face activities. O...


Press releases

Apply for the 3rd UINL Prize for Legal Research!

14 Feb 2024


27 Feb 2023

Dr. Peter Stelmaszczyk is the new President of the...

24 Jan 2023