Seminario virtual "El Notario y su labor preventiva en la lucha contra el lavado de activos y financiamiento del terrorismo"
El Sábado 26.9.2020 tuvo lugar por vía virtual la conferencia “El Notario y su labor preventiva en la lucha contra el Lavado de Activos y Financiamiento del Terrorismo”, organizada por el Colegio de Notarios de Áncash; y que cuenta con el auspicio de la Academia Notarial Americana (ANA) y la Junta ...
A look back at the UINL virtual activities of the last few months
Since the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic, the UINL has conducted all its activities online. UINL wanted this period to be used to improve online meetings and distance working. Far from having limited its activity, our institution has thus multiplied its opportunities to participate in seminars...
Academia Notarial Americana - Simposio sobre Mediación Notarial Internacional
La Academia Notarial Americana está organizando un Simposio sobre Mediación Notarial Internacional, el 27 de agosto de 2020 por via virtual. - ACADEMIA NOTARIAL AMERICANA - Comunicado de prensa Estimados colegas y amigos: La presente tiene la finalidad de saludarlos y, a la vez, invitarles a par...
A practical guide to preparing, implementing and ensuring sustainability of reforms to property rights registration systems
-Press release from FAO - A new e-book “Real Estate Registration and Cadastre. Practical Lessons and Experiences", drafted by Gavin Adlington with contributions by Rumyana Tonchovska, FAO of the UN, Tony Lamb and Robin McLaren was launched in March 2020. The publication is already available online...
The Spanish Notariat presents the "Training and awareness course in the prevention of money laundering"
- Press release, General Council of Notaries of Spain - The training and awareness course in the prevention of money laundering was developed by the General Council of Notaries of Spain. Used as a cutting-edge training tool in the prevention and fight against money laundering and financing of terro...