European Affairs Commission (CAE)
The European Affairs Commission is formed by:
- a board comprising a president, four vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer;
- delegates, one per European Member Chamber of Notaries of the Union.
The president, vice presidents, secretary and treasurer are appointed by the General Council during the first session of each legislature. The delegates of the Chambers of Notaries of each European country are appointed by the national representative body of notaries to which they belong. Each Chamber of Notaries may appoint an alternate delegate who may take part in meetings without the right to vote, excluding those cases in which the appointed delegate is absent. The rapporteur(s) appointed by each country, up to a maximum of three, may attend the meeting of the Commission.
In addition to general objectives, CAE also pursues the following specific goals:
- to deepen and promote knowledge and harmonisation of laws and national legislation on the notarial institution in the European continent;
- to promote the publication of works, the communication and circulation of information among European Chambers of Notaries, in order to co-ordinate and harmonise their activities, as well as between them and the Chambers of Notaries of other continents through respective continental commissions;
- co-operate with the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) within the framework of relations between the latter and the Union;
- study subjects relating to comparative law and private international law in domains that are of special interest to notaries, in co-operation with international and supranational organisations based in its area of competence;
- promote initial and continued training of notaries within its field of action, especially through the European Notarial Academy.
The European Notarial Academy pursues the goal of disseminating studies and organising study or work days in the various European countries. The Academy has a board formed by a president, chosen among the vice presidents of the Commission, as well as a secretary and a treasurer appointed by the Board of the Commission. Within CAE it has an independent budget.