
LIGHT: on 31st March and 1st April the Italian Seminar will Gather European Legal Practitioners in Rome

07 February 2022

The goal is to discuss rules, policies and actions to combat money laundering. The first training seminar of the project is finally approaching. Federnotai (the Italian Notaries’ Association), with support from UINL (International Union of Notaries) and Confprofessioni (the coordinator, Italian Conf...

1er Encuentro Iberoamericano de la Seguridad Jurídica Preventiva - La reactivación inmobiliaria en pospandemia

04 February 2022

CNUE - Giampaolo Marcoz becomes the new President of Notaries of Europe

18 January 2022

CNUE - Press Release Rome, 18 January 2022 – On the occasion of the handover ceremony held in Rome on Tuesday 18 January, the Italian notary Giampaolo Marcoz took office as President of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) for the year 2022. He succeeds the Hungarian notary Ádám...

UINL First International Forum of reflection on the role of women notaries in the 21st century

11 January 2022

The First International Forum of reflection on the role of women notaries in the 21st century will look at the role of women notaries in the UINL, in their Notariats and in their respective communities. The aim is to analyse the aspects of human rights, continuing education, ethical values, leaders...


Press releases

Apply for the 3rd UINL Prize for Legal Research!

14 Feb 2024


27 Feb 2023

Dr. Peter Stelmaszczyk is the new President of the...

24 Jan 2023