Past events
May 2022
May 2022
Sofia (Bulgaria)
3rd LIGHT training seminar - Know Your Customer, Customer Due Diligence, Beneficial Ownership, reporting obligations, record keeping, evidence gathering and regulatory technology
This training is part of the four LIGHT transnational AML/CFT training seminars covering all subjects identified by the training need analysis: to exploit the cross-border nature of ML/FT to share a common vision and modus operandi in EU AML/CFT. Each seminar will provide a list of good practices. ...
May 2022
May 2022
Munich (Germany)
FIRST SESSION FACE-TO-FACE! General Council, Steering Committee, Commissions and Working Groups
Hotel where meetings will be held: The Charles Hotel, Sophienstraße 28, 80333 München 25 May: CCNI, Advisory Committee, Working Group "Partnership with International Organisations". 26 May: Other Intercontinental Commissions and Working Groups 26 May: Steering Committee 27 May (all day) and 28 May (...
May 2022
May 2022
Málaga (Spain)
XII Congreso Notarial Español “El envejecimiento de la sociedad: principal desafío del siglo”
April 2022
April 2022
Brussels (Belgium)
2nd LIGHT training seminar - EU risk assessment methodology and EU and FATF Guidelines for legal professions
DATES TO BE CONFIRMED - This training is part of the four LIGHT transnational AML/CFT training seminars covering all subjects identified by the training need analysis: to exploit the cross-border nature of ML/FT to share a common vision and modus operandi in EU AML/CFT. Each seminar will provide a l...
April 2022
April 2022
Salzburg (Austria)
32nd Conference of Civil-Law Notaries "Rule of Law - Putting the citizen first"
April 2022
April 2022
Cartagena (Colombia)
1er Encuentro Iberoamericano de la Seguridad Jurídica Preventiva - La reactivación inmobiliaria en pospandemia
April 2022
April 2022
Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)
107a. Sesión Plenaria de la CAAm y Reunión de Comisiones
March 2022
April 2022
Rome (Italy)
1st LIGHT training seminar - EU AML/CFT architecture and role of legal professions
This training is part of the four LIGHT transnational AML/CFT training seminars covering all subjects identified by the training need analysis: to exploit the cross-border nature of ML/FT to share a common vision and modus operandi in EU AML/CFT. Each seminar will provide a list of good practices. ...
March 2022
March 2022
Virtual Meeting
Virtual Forum - Space for dialogue and reflection on the role of women notaries in the 21st century - Conclusions
12:00 - 15:00 CET/Rome Time
February 2022
February 2022
Virtual Meeting
Virtual Forum - Space for dialogue and reflection on the role of women notaries in the 21st century - Part II
12:00 - 15:00 CET/Rome Time
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