
UINL Global Virtual Education Platform - New courses available!

Press releases

UINL Global Virtual Education Platform - New courses available!


The course of Not. Luc Weyts "NOTARIAL LAW IN GENERAL" is now available on the UINL's e-learning Platform (in English).

Discover it now at 

Virtual course dictated by Notary Professor Luc Wetys, in English, through video.

It covers topics about notarial law in general, which apply to all the countries that make up the nternational Union of Notaries.

The course content is detailed below:

The past and today of the profession
Description of the function
Notarial activities
Future of the profession
Notarial deed
Appointment as a notary
Notarial Organizations
Notarial discipline
Notarial office
Notarial responsibility

Courses fees : 9.50 EUROS or 10.00 DOLLARS 
