General Bye-laws
Approved by the General Meeting of Member Chambers of Notaries on 2nd October 2007 in Madrid and amended in Quebec on 8th November 2008, in Paris on 13th November 2009 and in Rio de Janeiro on 2nd October 2015 and on 3rd December 2021 at its virtual session.
Art. 1.- Fundamental Principles of the Latin- type Notarial System
1.1. Any adaptation of the fundamental principles of the
Art. 2.- Notaries’ Day
2.1. On 2nd October of each year the members of UINL are invited to celebrate the “Notaries’ Day” to commemorate the date when the 1st International Congress of Latin Notaries was held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1948, through events which underline the importance of international collaboration and contribute to the promotion of the institution and principles of the
Art. 3.- Emblem of UINL
3.1. The emblem of UINL is oval in shape and comprises:
-the name : « International Union of Notaries »;
-the Latin eagle, file and goose feather, symbols of the
The reproduction of the emblem is annexed to these General
3.2. The president in office and the honorary presidents of the Union are authorised to wear the emblem of UINL on their collars as a distinctive sign of their rank.
Any other use of the emblem of UINL has to be duly authorised in advance by the Steering Committee.
Art. 4 Languages
4.1. UINL has no official language.
4.2. The usual languages of UINL are, in alphabetical order, German English, Spanish, French and Italian.
4.3. The Steering Committee will determine which languages must be used during the meetings of UINL bodies
Art. 5 Elections
5.1. Any candidate to a post within UINL must enclose with his/her candidature a curriculum vitae and a description of the activities carried out within his/her chamber of notaries both at national and international level.
5.2. The appointments of the bureaus and the members of commissions and working groups under article 13d) of the Statutes will be made during a joint meeting of the Steering Committee of the ongoing legislature and that of the following legislature within the shortest possible time following the General Meeting that proceeded to the election of the members of the new Steering Committee.
Art. 6 - Convening notices and agendas
6.1. The bodies of UINL are convened by
Art. 6.1 bis When the General Meeting, the Steering Committee and/or the General Council meet by videoconference or other means of telecommunication or in a mixed form (physical presence and remote presence of the participants), they shall do so on condition that:
the technique used permits:
aa) a sufficiently stable and secure connection,
ab) the identification of the participants and, if necessary, the verification of their credentials,
ac) the effective participation of the participants,
ad) if necessary, simultaneous translation,
ae) preservation of the confidentiality of the secret ballot.
b) the call shall indicate all necessary access data,
c) the costs involved shall have been decided in advance.
6.2. Convening notices for a General Meeting are addressed to the presidents of the Members of UINL, those for the meeting of the General Council to the members thereof and those for the meeting of the Steering Committee to the members thereof.
The convening notices for a session or meeting of one of the aforementioned bodies of UINL are also sent for information to the members of other bodies and honorary general councillors.
6.3. The prior notice for convening is:
-sixty days in the case of the General Meeting and the General Council;
-thirty days for the Steering Committee, and in the event of a motivated urgency ten days.
6.4. All the Presidents of the UINL Members, as well as the members of the Steering Committee have the right to request the inclusion of new items on the agenda of one of the bodies of UINL.
General Councillors have the same right for the meetings of their body and may make suggestions for other bodies.
These requests and suggestions have to be sent by
The President of UINL will fix the items included on the final agenda, taking into due consideration the requests received insofar as possible.
The final agenda, as well as the list of the reports and documents that need to be examined in advance, will also be sent by
Art. 7- Holding of the session
7.1. The duration of a session of the General Meeting cannot exceed three days, while the duration of the meeting of the General Council or the Steering Committee cannot exceed two days.
7.2. Each President or, in his absence, each delegate of a Member may be assisted at the General Meeting by no more than two notaries
The members of the Steering Committee take part in the sessions and meetings of the General Meeting and the General Council respectively, while active and honorary general councillors may attend them.
The President of the Council of Notariats of the European Union may also attend the General Meeting and take the floor.
Moreover, the President may invite experts or members of the scientific bodies of UINL to discuss specific topics debated by the General Council and may propose to the General Meeting to authorise any other person to attend one of its sessions and take the floor.
At each meeting of the General Council, the presidents of the scientific commissions and working groups will be invited to present a report, if possible written, on their respective activities.
7.3. At the start of the session or meeting, the General Meeting and the General Council are informed of the decisions and initiatives taken by the Steering Committee since the previous General Meeting.
7.4. On the occasion of a proposal made by a participant by right at a session or meeting regarding the amendment of a motion presented in the course thereof, the President of UINL may demand that this proposal be submitted in writing.
7.5. The President may at any time propose to the General Council, even while the meeting is underway, to discuss specific issues on which its opinion is requested.
7.6. The President of UINL will fix the time limit for speakers and may decide to recognise new speakers on a same subject.
7.7. Before closing a session or meeting, the country, place and approximate date of the next session or meeting has to be decided.
7.8. Any chamber of notaries wishing to host a session or meeting of one of the bodies of UINL must submit to the President of UINL, at the time of application, a candidacy dossier containing the expected programme, the services offered to participants and the registration fee that will be charged to the latter in order to cover the expenses of staging the works of the body in question and, namely the rental of the necessary premises, working lunches at least three in the case of the General Meeting, and at least two in the case of the Steering Committee and the General Council), simultaneous translation (in the languages used for each session or meeting) and adequate equipment to record the debates.
7.9. The last General Meeting of a legislature will fix a ceiling for registration fees, applicable to all the bodies of UINL that cannot be exceeded in the course of the following legislature.
Art. 8- Minutes
8.1. The minutes or report of each session or meeting of UINL are drawn up by the Secretary of UINL with the collaboration of the Administrative Secretariat, after which they are submitted to the President of UINL for approval.
The report of a meeting of the General Council will only contain its opinions and recommendations as well as the outcome of the debates.
8.2. Documents will be available for consultation on the UINL Intranet within sixty days from the closing of each session or meeting.
8.3. The President of UINL may accept any comments he may receive within thirty days from the posting of the minutes or report on the UINL intranet site, if he considers them to be in line with the debates. Following this deadline, the President of UINL will consider the document approved.
8.4. The minutes or report, together with the comments accepted by the President of UINL, are submitted to the body concerned for approval, at the following session or meeting and later filed together with all their annexes at the Administrative Secretariat.
Art. 9 Fulfilment of its mission
9.1. Within the framework of its mission, the Financial Supervisory Council has to meet to examine and assess the efficiency of internal accounting controls to determine their viability for the purposes of determining the nature, time and scope of the audits that it will decide to perform.
9.2. The Financial Supervisory Council will also ensure good communication between the Treasurer of UINL and the various bodies of the latter in the fulfilment of their respective roles.
Art. 10- Reports
10.1. The Financial Supervisory Council files its report to the Steering Committee and the ordinary General Meeting by and no later than 31st August of each year to allow the members of these two bodies of UINL to consult it in time.
Art. 11 - Aims
11.1. The aims of the commissions are:
a) to deal with notarial issues of special interest from the legal and professional points of view in their respective areas of competence;
b) to work for the dissemination of the principles of the Notarial system by all possible means;
c) to organise study days on themes of notarial interest from the legal and professional points of view;
d) to collaborate with international organisations having their headquarters in their respective areas of competence through the intermediary of designated representatives, in compliance with these
e) to pursue the specific objectives assigned to them by the General Council or the Steering Committee.
Art. 12 - Workings
12.1. Each commission includes a Board of three to seven members formed by a president, one to four
12.2. It meets twice per year insofar as possible, in physical, virtual or mixed presence, according to the President's decision.
12.3. The board will meet immediately before or after a plenary meeting and, if necessary, in the time lapse between two plenary meetings.
12.4. The different meetings of the commission and the board have to be convened at least thirty days in advance and respective final agendas need to be sent at least fifteen days in advance.
12.5. Each meeting will be the subject of a report that has to be sent within the same month to the Administrative Secretariat and of minutes that will be submitted for approval at the following meeting.
12.6 Each Commission or Working Group shall meet in presence or by videoconference or other means of telecommunication or in a mixed form (physical and remote presence of the participants), as many times as the President of the Commission or Working Group deems appropriate to achieve the objectives
12.7. Each Commission or working group may adopt its own rules that will have to be submitted to the Steering Committee for approval.
I. Continental Commissions
Art. 13 - Missions
13.1. In addition to the objectives common to all commissions, continental commissions also have the following specific missions:
-to lend assistance to chambers of notaries in their respective continents to foster their organisation in bodies and associations and to help them develop and improve professional practice;
-to promote the initial and continuing training of notaries in their fields of action, especially through the intermediary of Notarial Academies or other similar training institutes
-discuss the specific problems of member chambers of notaries in their respective continents,
-deepen and promote knowledge and harmonisation of laws and national legislation of chambers of notaries in their respective continents;
-promote the publication of works, communication and the circulation of information among chambers of notaries in their respective continents, in order to
-to study comparative law and private international law in the fields of special interest to the notarial system, in
13.2. The European Affairs Commission also has the special mission of
Art. 14 - Compositions
14.1. With the exception of the European Affairs Commission (CAE), continental commissions are formed in principle by the presidents of the Members of UINL belonging to respective continents or their delegates, as well as the General Councillors from the same continent, as appropriate.
14.2. The European Affairs Commission (CAE) is formed by one delegate per European Member of UINL appointed by the national representative body of the chamber of notaries of belonging. Each European chamber of notaries may also appoint an alternate delegate who may attend meetings, but does not have the right to vote, unless the appointed delegate is absent.
II.Institutional intercontinental commissions
Art. 15 - International Notarial Co-operation Commission (CCNI)
15.1. The CCNI is formed by fifteen members at the most, among whom the members of the board and sectorial delegated having specific duties are chosen.
15.2. CCNI has, inter alia, the following aims:
-to set up and establish relations with chambers of notaries, notaries and notarial organisations, to which reference is made under article 2. c) of the Statutes, in order to promote the application and development of the fundamental principles of the
-to lend assistance, if so requested, to chambers of notaries, whether or not members of UINL, when a notarial law is being promulgated or amended in their respective countries;
-to prepare documented opinions on the application for admission to UINL of any new chamber of notaries.
Art. 16 - Advisory Commission (CC)
16.1. The Advisory Commission is formed by no more than twelve members, besides the members of its board, all chosen from the General Council, and by the honorary presidents of UINL.
16.2. The Advisory Commission Consultative has the task of providing opinions and recommendations to the President of UINL, the General Meeting, the General Council, the Steering Committee and the other bodies of UINL on any question concerning their activities and the amendments and interpretation of the Statutes and
16.3. Member Notariats presenting a candidate to the posts of President, Vice president and Treasurer shall be required to forward the candidate’s application to the UINL
Administrative Secretariat no later than sixty days prior to the
Member notariats shall also be required to present candidates to the posts of other members with voting rights of the Steering Committee, of Presidents of Commissions and of General Councillors no later than sixty days prior to the last General Meeting of each legislature.
16.4. Any Candidate application submitted concomitantly on behalf of the same person to several offices (such as President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, members of the Steering Committee with voting rights or Presidents of Commissions), shall be inadmissible, with the exception of those to the post of member of the General Council.
Art. 17 - Notarial Social Security Commission (CSSN)
17.1. The CSSN is formed by twelve members at the most, in addition to the members of its board, taken from each of the continental areas.
17.2. The CSSN has the task of examining any issues regarding social security and the third- party liability insurance of notaries and providing opinions and recommendations to this regard to the President of UINL, the General Council, the institutions and bodies of UINL and the Members of UINL, according to the relative instructions of the Steering Committee.
III. Optional intercontinental commissions
Art. 18 - The Steering Committee may propose to the General Meeting to set up any other intercontinental commission in addition to institutional commissions.
IV. Working Groups
Art. 19 - Without prejudice to the tasks of the General Meeting and the General Council, the Steering Committee may decide to create any working group that it deems useful and of which it establishes the composition, aims and length of mission.
These bodies include the following:
Art. 20- Administrative Secretariat
20.1. The Administrative Secretariat is the centre of the administration of UINL. Its office is established in Rome.
20.2. The running of the Administrative Secretariat is financed both by the contribution of the chamber of notaries of the place where it is based and an allocation of UINL.
20.3. The main mission of the Administrative Secretariat includes preparing and following dossiers, in
It collaborates with the Secretary of UINL in holding the sessions of the General Meeting, the General Council and the Steering Committee and in the drafting of the minutes of said sessions.
The Administrative Secretariat is also responsible for the management of the
Furthermore, the Administrative Secretariat carries out all the other tasks assigned to it by the President of UINL. The performance of any other task must be expressly authorised by the President or the Councillor in charge of the Administrative Secretariat.
20.4. The Administrative Secretariat manages the archives of UINL, including those of the old Permanent Secretariat by delegation to a local person in charge.
20.5. The Steering Committee will appoint one of its members residing in the country where the office of the Administrative Secretariat is based as the person in charge of the Secretariat.
20.6. The Administrative Secretariat will be run by a head with the collaboration of the staff needed to perform its duties.
20.7. An Information and Press Service is also linked to the Administrative Secretariat under the direct authority of the President of UINL. Its mission is to gather and select, under the control of the President or his delegate any information concerning notarial and UINL activities coming from the institutions and commissions of UINL and member chambers of notaries. This service will disseminate said information by any means and in particular through a Bulletin.
20.8. Insofar as necessary, special rules drafted under the authority of the Steering Committee will set out in detail the specific duties that the Administrative Secretariat has to discharge.
Art. 21 - Permanent Notarial Office for International Exchanges (ONPI)
21.1.The main task of ONPI is to provide information to notaries, chambers of notaries and persons working for or with UINL.
It is based in Buenos Aires.
21.2.ONPI has a board formed by a president, one or two vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer as well as a maximum of ten active members all appointed by the Steering Committee.
21.3.The activities of ONPI will be carried out under the supervision of the Steering Committee that will set out in detail the specific duties that it has to discharge in special rules.
Art. 22 - Treasury of UINL
22.1.The Treasury of UINL is run by the Treasurer.
22.2.All the bodies of UINL that receive an allocation from the Treasury will draw up and forward to the Treasurer of UINL the yearly accounts of the past fiscal year by 31 March of each year, as well as their budgets for the following fiscal year by 31 August of the same year, and this on the basis of a standard outline established by said Treasurer.
These documents have to be accompanied by a detailed explanatory note on the expenses incurred as well as any extraordinary resources received besides the aforementioned allocation. The explanatory note will also justify any differences between budget items and accounts.
22.3.The Treasurer will send to the members of the Steering Committee his report on the financial position of the Union by and no later than 15th May, accompanied by the consolidated yearly accounts. He will send a draft budget for the following fiscal year, together with an explanatory report, to the members of the Steering Committee by and no later than 30th September.
22.4. At each meeting of the Steering Committee, the Treasurer will submit a report on the financial position of UINL and comment on developments in relation thereto.
22.5. These same documents will be forwarded concurrently to the Financial Supervisory Council.
22.6. The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year (1st January – 31st December).
Art. 23 - Admission procedure
23.1. An application for admission, addressed to the President of UINL, may be considered, if it comes from a chamber of notaries whose representative body has existed for at least one year, save exceptions made by the President of UINL.
The application must be signed by the president of said body and be accompanied by the following documentation to show that the notarial system complies with the fundamental principles of
-the full text of the notarial law;
-the existing legal and regulatory provisions which, in some way relate to the notary and his activity.
As appropriate, this documentation has to be provided in one of the usual languages of the UINL and checked by a certified translator.
Lastly, any application for admission must include a statement that the chamber of notaries in question is acquainted with the fundamental principles of
23.2. The President of UINL will send a copy of the application for admission and annexed documentation to CCNI, which has the task of examining it and opening a dossier in respect thereof, making one, or if necessary, several visits to the country in question.
Said visit will begin with a preliminary consultation among the members of the delegation on the basis of the aforementioned texts of the laws and regulations. The modalities of this mission will be fixed and the various tasks shared among the members of the delegation.
During its stay in the country of the chamber of notaries concerned, the delegation will visit inter alia the headquarters of the higher body and the practices of notaries in the capital city and the province. Furthermore, through the intermediary of the chamber of notaries concerned, it will seek interviews with the regulatory authorities of the aforementioned chamber of notaries (Ministry of Justice, the High Judiciary and other authorities, as appropriate). Lastly, it will establish relations with the national and local press again through the intermediary of the chamber of notaries concerned.
At the end of its visit, the delegation will hold a finalisation meeting with the official representatives of the visited chamber of notaries.
The delegation will only give its opinion to the Steering Committee and the members of the General Council, after having received the additional papers and/or information that it may have requested during the aforementioned last meeting.
23.3.The report of the Commission to the General Council is accompanied by appropriate documentation which should include all the documents listed hereinbelow.
As to the report, it should include the following information:
-the characteristics of the country from the political and economic vantage points;
-the actual number of notaries and their distribution per district or region, as well as possible extensions;
-the organisation and structures of the chamber of notaries;
-conditions concerning entry into the profession.
It will also include an analysis of the notarial law focusing on the independent practice of the liberal profession of notary, the duties of the latter as author and drafter of acts to which he/she confers authenticity and which have probative force and may be enforceable, his/her mission of providing assistance and advice and lastly his/her modes of remuneration.
Art. 24 - Communication
24.1. Sending documents
All the documents listed under article 23 are sent by
24.2. Consultation of the members of the General Council
The members of the General Council will have the faculty of communicating their remarks or objections to the President of UINL, within fifteen days from the receipt of said documents.
24.3. Decisions of the Steering Committee
The Steering Committee may:
-give its favourable opinion;
-suspend its decision and request further information for an additional session;
-decide that there are no grounds to pass the admission candidacy on to the General Meeting.
Art. 25 – Decisions of the General Meeting
25.1. In the event that the members of the General Council fail to communicate any remarks or objections to the President of UINL within the established deadline and that the Steering Committee has given its favourable and unconditional opinion, the President of UINL will send the relative final report of the Steering Committee to the General Meeting.
25.2. Based on the documentation received and the final report of the Steering Committee, the General Meeting adopts a final decision in favour or against admission, without prejudice to its right to request additional information, if deemed appropriate.
25.3. The negative decision of the General Meeting is final and cannot be challenged; this however will not prevent the chamber of notaries concerned from submitting a new application for admission, if the reasons underlying the the rejection of the application no longer exist.
25.4. In case of a favourable decision of the General Meeting, the chamber of notaries concerned will join UINL as of the closing of said General Meeting and will be invited to appoint its delegates to the commissions of the area which it belongs to and to pay its first membership fee as of January 1st following its admission.
25.5. The official ceremony of admission to UINL will take place at the beginning of the following session of the General Meeting.
Art. 26- Categories of observers
26.1. Candidate chamber of notaries for admission
In case of prolonged delay in the completion of the admission procedure described under the previous title, the Steering Committee may, on the proposal of the President of UINL and subject to revocation, grant a candidate chamber of notaries the status of observer to commissions and working groups, until the General Meeting takes the relative decision.
26.2. Associations of notaries
The Steering Committee may also grant the status of observer to commissions and working groups to chambers of notaries that do not yet have organised structures and notarial organisations governed by legal systems liable to belong to the Latin- type notarial system.
This decision will be submitted to the General Meeting for ratification.
26.3. External organisations to the notarial system
Lastly, the Steering Committee may grant the status of observer exceptionally to organisations that do not fall within the
Even this decision will be submitted to the General Meeting for ratification.
Art. 27 - Status
27.1. The Status of observer does not entail any right to vote. The Steering Committee will establish, on a
27.2. The Steering Committee may revoke at any time the status of observer that it has granted and inform the General Meeting thereof at its next meeting.
Art. 28 - Criteria
The Steering Committee may grant the status of associated body to UINL to foundations or associations of a scientific nature at the service of the notarial system.
Art. 29 - Status
29.1The status of associated body does not entail any right to vote. The Steering Committee will establish, on a
29.2.The Steering Committee may revoke at any time the status of associated body that it has granted and inform the General Meeting thereof at its next meeting.
Art. 30 - Criteria
30.1. Providing they belong to a member notariat of UINL, practising and retired notaries, as well as candidate notaries, officially recognised as such under the laws in force in their respective countries, will be granted special benefits tied to the capacity of individual member in exchange for a membership fee, after having duly filed an application to this regard to the Administrative Secretariat.
30.2. Both practising and retired notaries belonging to notariats that are not members of UINL, but who abide by the fundamental principles of
Art. 31 - Status
31.1The status of individual member does not entail the right to vote. The Steering Committee fixes the scope of the prerogatives and benefits tied to this status, as well as the sum of their membership fee in specific regulations which may be amended at any time.
31.2The Steering Committee may, at any time, remove the status of individual member for serious reasons.”
Art. 32 - Organisation of the Congress
32.1. The organisation of the Congress is assigned to the member of UINL designated by the General Meeting on the recommendation of the Steering Committee. The Congress is organised under the responsibility of the designated organiser that agrees on the general concept of the Congress with the Steering Committee and the General Council. The Organising Committee, acting under the control of the national representative body of said member of UINL, is appointed by the latter, with the exception of the President of the Committee who is also the President of the Congress and who is appointed by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the organising chamber of notaries and on the recommendation of the General Council.
The Organising Committee, in agreement with the Steering Committee, fixes the registration fee for the Congress and the amount accruing to the Union and has to use its best endeavours to ensure the success of the Congress.
32.2. Excluding any other event or measure, international congresses will focus on scientific topics (themes of the Congress). The General Council will supervise the organisation and the holding of the scientific works as well as the publication of the results.
In suggesting the themes of the Congress to the Steering Committee, the General Council has to take into consideration the proposal which the organising committee of the Congress has the faculty of making for one of the themes of the Congress, in agreement with said Committee.
32.3. At the meeting immediately preceding the Congress, the Steering Committee appoints the Commission for the Verification of Powers, formed by three members of the General Council; this Commission will check the legitimate representation of chambers of notaries attending the Congress and notify its findings to the first plenary session.
32.4. The Congress must have facilities, both for the plenary session and the meetings of each commission that allow simultaneous translation in the five usual languages of UINL and possibly in the other languages indicated by the organising committee.
32.5. The organising chamber of notaries covers the costs of organising the Congress and publishing the proceedings, not only in its own language, but in the usual languages of UINL too. The aforementioned proceedings will include, in particular, the resolutions adopted on the themes of the Congress.
32.6. The Congress is
32.7. If for any reason, the Congress cannot be held at the place and time agreed, the Steering Committee, on its own initiative or at the request of the organising chamber of notaries, will make the necessary arrangements to hold the Congress elsewhere.
Art. 33 - Structures and holding of the Congress
33.1. Special rules, drafted by the General Council and liable to be adapted on a Congress-
33.2. The President in office of UINL will deliver the opening address at the Congress, while the newly elected President will deliver the closing speech of the Congress, setting out his ideas for the future management and strategies of UINL.
Art. 34 - Duties
34.1. UINL representatives to international organisations have to:
-take part in the meetings and activities of the organisations to which they have been accredited by the President of UINL; to this end, they may be aided by one or more chargés d’affaires appointed by the President of UINL, in agreement with said representative;
-obtain documentation on examined subjects relating either directly or indirectly to the notarial system and put it at the disposal of the Steering Committee, by sending the President a brief, but detailed report at the end of each meeting;
-submit a report, at the last yearly meeting of the Steering Committee, on the activities carried out during the period following the previous report, clearly highlighting points that are of interest to notaries and including any proposals for action, so that the Steering Committee may be informed and take appropriate decisions;
-work closely with the Committee for the
-take the necessary initiatives within the international organisations to which they are accredited, in order to acquire knowledge of the subjects examined, so that notaries may be represented during discussions and, above all, be able to take part in the drafting of projects;
-take part in the debates during the meetings of the international organisation to which they have been accredited and draw up memorandums, proposals and reports, in agreement with the aforementioned organisation or on their own initiative with the support of the General Council, and if necessary, by complying strictly with the directives of the Steering Committee and the general policy of UINL;
-send copies of correspondence concerning the representation that they have been entrusted with, as well as their reports, to both the President of UINL and the Vice Presidents of their respective areas.
34.2. The term of office of representatives to international organisations, appointed by the President of UINL after having consulted the Steering Committee, is of the same length as the legislature. The appointed representative will remain in office until the accreditation of his/her successor.
34.3. Representatives who fail to comply with the aforementioned duties will be replaced by decision of the President of UINL, after consultation with the Steering Committee.
34.4. The provisions under this article will also apply, to the extent to which they are applicable, to persons delegated even occasionally to attend meetings or congresses in order to represent UINL.
Art. 35 - Co-ordination Committee
35.1. The Committee for the
35.2. The Committee is formed by the Vice Presidents of UINL, or their delegates, working under the direct
35.3. The Committee has the following tasks :
-to advise the President of UINL on the measures to be adopted, if necessary, in order to improve the representation of the Union to said institutions and organisations;
-to put forward proposals for candidatures for the posts of representatives;
-to make sure that the actions of UINL representatives in their respective continents comply with the aforementioned rules and that said representatives inform the President of UINL of their achievements.
If necessary, the Committee may, after having been duly authorised by the President of UINL and in agreement with the representative concerned, appoint other colleagues, preferably General Councillors or members of the Commissions or working groups of UINL, to assist said representative in the discharge of specific duties.
35.4. The Vice Presidents of UINL are responsible for
Art. 36- Remuneration
36.1. No positions within UINL are remunerated.
36.2. On the basis of the budget approved by the General Meeting, the Steering Committee allocates to the bodies of UINL the sums at its disposal to cover their running costs, provided that they have reported on their financial management for the past fiscal year and submitted anticipated work plans and budgets for the following fiscal year.
Art. 37 - Reimbursement
The Council of the Presidency may decide to allocate sums by way of partial or total reimbursement of expenses, on the basis of receipts relating thereto, to persons entrusted with special missions.
Art. 38 - Duties of Member Chambers of Notaries of UINL
The members of UINL are required to financially support their delegates on the commissions and working groups of UINL, as well as UINL representatives to international organisations, in an appropriate manner and throughout their terms of office.
Art. 39 - Removal from office of persons appointed to the institutions, bodies, commissions and working groups of UINL
39.1. After having heard the opinion of the head of the body concerned, the Steering Committee may remove from office any person holding a position of responsibility within a body of UINL, either for serious reasons or due to incompetence or absenteeism.
39.2. Any request for removal from office of an appointed person has to be made in writing and addressed to the President of UINL setting out in detail the reasons for said request.
After having informed the chamber of notaries which the appointed person concerned belongs to, the President of UINL will submit said request to the Steering Committee at the meeting following reception thereof. If necessary, the Steering Committee will appoint a panel formed by three of its members to examine said request and carry out an inquiry, if needed, by listening to the appointed person concerned and his/her means of defence. The Steering Committee will later decide whether or not to follow through with said request.
The officials and members of the bodies, commissions and working groups elected for the legislature that will follow the one during which the new statutes have been approved will take office and have the duties, powers and prerogatives established by the latter.

Emblem of UINL
starting from 19th October 2012
General Meeting of Member Chambers of Notaries Algiers, Algeria

Emblem of UINL