World Notariat University - Discover the full training program!
News World Notariat University - Discover the full training program!
25/05/2021 You can apply to participate in the World Notariat University "Jean-Paul Decorps" until June 4, 2021.
Once your application is validated, you will be assigned to one of the University's modules.
To confirm his/her participation in the UINL University, each participant must participate in all the general activities and the activities of his/her module. In particular, he/she must answer a questionnaire and prepare a 3-minute video on a particular point of his/her national law highlighted in his/her answers to the questionnaire.
Here is the complete program for the 2021 edition:
Monday, July 5, 2021
Opening Webinar (3hrs)
15:00-18:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
Presentation of the study theme
Introduction to the four course modules
Conference on the circulation of acts
Presentation of the participating delegations
Description of the technical process
The opening webinar is followed by the sending of the questionnaire of each module to the participants.
July 2021
Workshop by module: videoconference between each group and its teacher (2hrs)
15:00-17:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
MODULE I THE FAMILY (President Cristina N. ARMELLA): Tuesday, July 13*
MODULE II THE PERSON (Pr. Christine MORIN): Tuesday, July 20
MODULE IV THE HERITAGE (Pr. Luc WEYTS) : Thursday, July 15
Monday August 30th 2021
Deadline for participants to send their work.
October 2021
Workshop by module: videoconference between each group and its teacher (2hrs)
15:00-17:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
MODULE I THE FAMILY (President Cristina N. ARMELLA): Monday, October 4th*.
MODULE II THE PERSON (Professor Christine MORIN): Tuesday, October 5
MODULE III THE SUCCESSIONS (Pr. Michel GRIMALDI): Wednesday, October 6*
MODULE IV THE HERITAGE (Pr. Luc WEYTS) : Thursday, October 7
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Closing Webinar - Part I (3hrs)
15:00-18:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
Modules Synthesis and debates
Conference on the social utility of notaries
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Closing Webinar - Part II (3hrs)
15:00-18:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
Modules Synthesis and debates
Conference on the exercise of the notarial function in the digital era
*dates to be confirmed
The World Notariat University "Jean-Paul Decorps" is an academic course proposed by the UINL in Spanish, French and English.
It intends to enable the understanding and application of the concepts of comparative law and international law through the exchange of good notarial practices.
It is made for candidate notaries, trainees or young notaries (<35 years old or with less than five years of professional experience).
The training cycle is organized around a transversal theme set for the duration of the legislature (2020-2022): "The notary, a protagonist for legal security in civil Law: Protection of the citizen - Protection of society"
The University 2021 will focus on the following sub-theme: "The notarial function and the notarial authentic instrument in a digital context".
World Notariat University - Discover the full training program!
You can apply to participate in the World Notariat University "Jean-Paul Decorps" until June 4, 2021.
Once your application is validated, you will be assigned to one of the University's modules.
To confirm his/her participation in the UINL University, each participant must participate in all the general activities and the activities of his/her module. In particular, he/she must answer a questionnaire and prepare a 3-minute video on a particular point of his/her national law highlighted in his/her answers to the questionnaire.
Here is the complete program for the 2021 edition:
Monday, July 5, 2021
Opening Webinar (3hrs)
15:00-18:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
Presentation of the study theme
Introduction to the four course modules
Conference on the circulation of acts
Presentation of the participating delegations
Description of the technical process
The opening webinar is followed by the sending of the questionnaire of each module to the participants.
July 2021
Workshop by module: videoconference between each group and its teacher (2hrs)
15:00-17:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
MODULE I THE FAMILY (President Cristina N. ARMELLA): Tuesday, July 13*
MODULE II THE PERSON (Pr. Christine MORIN): Tuesday, July 20
MODULE IV THE HERITAGE (Pr. Luc WEYTS) : Thursday, July 15
Monday August 30th 2021
Deadline for participants to send their work.
October 2021
Workshop by module: videoconference between each group and its teacher (2hrs)
15:00-17:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
MODULE I THE FAMILY (President Cristina N. ARMELLA): Monday, October 4th*.
MODULE II THE PERSON (Professor Christine MORIN): Tuesday, October 5
MODULE III THE SUCCESSIONS (Pr. Michel GRIMALDI): Wednesday, October 6*
MODULE IV THE HERITAGE (Pr. Luc WEYTS) : Thursday, October 7
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Closing Webinar - Part I (3hrs)
15:00-18:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
Modules Synthesis and debates
Conference on the social utility of notaries
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Closing Webinar - Part II (3hrs)
15:00-18:00 UTC+02:00 (Rome time)
Modules Synthesis and debates
Conference on the exercise of the notarial function in the digital era
*dates to be confirmed
The World Notariat University "Jean-Paul Decorps" is an academic course proposed by the UINL in Spanish, French and English.
It intends to enable the understanding and application of the concepts of comparative law and international law through the exchange of good notarial practices.
It is made for candidate notaries, trainees or young notaries (<35 years old or with less than five years of professional experience).
The training cycle is organized around a transversal theme set for the duration of the legislature (2020-2022): "The notary, a protagonist for legal security in civil Law: Protection of the citizen - Protection of society"
The University 2021 will focus on the following sub-theme: "The notarial function and the notarial authentic instrument in a digital context".